Thursday, May 21, 2009


Here is a taste of the children's first attempts at poetry. Our lessons have centered around choosing topics from the heart and everyday things, poetic language, wonderous words, rhyming, repetition,and line breaks.
The Dream
Oh my oh my
it was so interesting.
I thought of stars being jewels.
I flew into the sky.
It feels good
that I still know it.
- Sam
The Bunny
I once saw a bunny
that was so cute
and so fluffy.
I wanted to take it home.
My mom said I could not
so I left it there
so I could watch it
the next morning.
- Adele
Honey Bees
In the world
there are different bees.
My grandmother and I are bee keepers.
Honey bees we love.
Bee keeping with my grandmother
makes me feel like I'm in heaven.
I am so happy
when bees are around.
Pencil oh pencil
what shall I do?
Oh, what shall I do to you?
Should I name you Mary Lou?
Should I make you a collar
and walk you around the block?
Should I feed you?
Should I give you a little house
and a place to sleep?
Nah, I'll just write with you.


sam said...

Ms.Rogers,Obama got a dog yasterday!

Anonymous said...

I relly like the poetry!