Saturday, December 27, 2008

Bunnies and Pigeon

Hello Friends,
I hope you are all getting outside to play in the snow; sliding, skiing, and making forts and snowmen. I found this delightful story about two unlikely animal friends. It makes me think that if creatures can be this compassionate than just imagine what we humans are capable of doing for each other. Click on this link and enjoy - Bunnies and Pigeon .
I would love to hear what you are up to during the vacation. Comment and fill me in please:) Make sure to check back regularly for more interesting tidbits!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Gingerbread Houses

The children had a grand time constructing their gingerbread houses this morning. Their creativity was limitless and uniquely individual. The houses could be found with recycling centers, porches, decks, breakfast nooks, bear caves, walkways, flags, antenna, fencing, sleighs, snowmen, and much more. The volunteers are to be commended for their patience and steadfastness. Many a sidewall was reconstructed and saved by their quick hands. Thanks to everyone for sending in the candy treats and royal icing so that we could make this happen for our children. Have a warm and merry everything!