Monday, February 16, 2009

World Wide Research

Our study of cultures around the world has taken us to our final project . . . research. The children are working in partners and using CultureGrams to learn about a country and then put together a Power Point slide show. CultureGrams is a program that the school has purchased and is designed for easy navigation and is filled with great pictures, information, and videos. Each pair of children are required to present an 8 slide show with a picture and description on each slide from the following areas: people and places, history, lifestyle, society, culture facts, map, flag, and national image. CultureGrams has buttons for each of these categories. The children are extremely excited and totally engrossed in the project. I jump from group to group solving simple tech issues, they seem monumental to those involved at the time. Soooooo much learning is taking place. This type of engagement is just what we needed to pull us all through the end of the winter season. I have found an online storage site that can accommodate Power Point slide shows. As soon as we have some finished products I'll begin posting them. Make sure to ask your child about their World Wide Research!


Anonymous said...

Ben is very excited about Russia. Can't wait to see the presentations online. - Beth

About Us said...

Wow! It sounds like the class is hard at work. I can't wait to see the finished products and learn more about Culturegrams from the kids when I visit for the day in March.

samuelclear said...

I Relly like World Wide Research.