Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election Day

The children were so excited to inform me of our new president elect when they arrived at school yesterday morning. While greeting them at the lockers I overheard one child telling another that her mom got to count the ballots. The reply was, "You are so lucky!" We are in the middle of coloring a US map with either a red state or a blue state and learning what an electoral vote means. A little closer to home the children are feeling how democracy works first hand. Two weeks ago they voted to adopt a new job chart system where everyone would have a specific job each day. Unfortunately it was a bit too complicated and left us in chaos and scrambling to get out the door and on the buses. We had a new vote as to whether or not we should keep the new system, it was a landslide vote to keep the chaotic system. Unfortunately the vote was vetoed and went back on the table for further discussion. After much discussion and a few wise words from Sophie, Tommy, Eric, and Patrick we had a another vote and the old system was readopted with a new look!

Two coin drops collided in our school system. The book fair coordinators were soliciting for a penny drive however they didn't realize that on the children's election ballot they were voting on a charity in which to raise money. It was decided that the children's vote should stand so all coins sent in will be put towards the charity that was chosen by the children, The Vermont Humane Society. Thanks for your generous donations!

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