Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Open House Breakfast

Hello Everyone,
We are calling this week "project week" as everyone is feverishly working on completing the many projects we have going on presently. The children are excited to share all of their hard work with you on Thursday morning as well as have breakfast at school with all their friends. They have been talking about this endlessly! Coffee, tea, and juice will be provided. Please bring something to share and remember Chef Shaw is an option.
I have added a couple of new links to math websites. The Virtual Library of Mathematics is loaded with activities that mirror much of what we do at school and hits grades preK - 12. Math Magician is one we are currently using to help us gain fact power. The children like it because they are timed and can choose the set of facts they want to practice.
Hope to see you on Thursday morning between 7:30 and 8:30.

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