Thursday, May 7, 2009

Class Update

Our plant unit of study is cruising along quite nicely with several successful plantings. Our windowsills are full with a variety of small plants which sprouted from seeds planted before vacation. Everyone has a "grass head guy or gal" made from knee high stockings, potting soil, and grass seed. Many will be in need of a haircut soon and several have significant ear hair growing though deliberately placed holes in their cups! We have joined forces with the UVM Extension service and will be putting in a rain garden in the courtyard between Vista and the planning room. Andrew the gardener is also working with a few students each week in the garden right outside our door. You wouldn't believe what he gets them to eat!

Nonfiction books written by and about the children are finished, complete with covers that include individual head shots that were then Photoshoped using a variety of filters. Some funny, some creepy, some clever! How many of you know how to use Photoshop? We began our final unit of study in writers workshop this week, poetry. The children are very excited and I'm quite impressed with their initial attempts. Our first mini lessons have helped us look at everyday things in a new way as well as look into our hearts for what matters most to us. Next we'll be learning about how to make line breaks which help create a rhythm to our words and phrases.

Auditions were held this week in the classroom for parts in the house musical as well as daily song practice. Everyone has a speaking part, some longer than others. They all seem quite pleased with their parts and are psyched to practice. Just today several of the children in our class stood up in the kiva and sang part of a solo in front of the entire house in hopes of being chosen for that role. Surprise of the day . . . Beckett has terrific pitch and the sweetest voice. Future American Idol?!